Introduction to HTML

Web pages are created using HTML code. Here are a few quick facts...

1. HTML uses HTML tags such as <p> (paragraph) or <b> (bold).

2. HTML pages are constructed like a sandwich. For example the page starts with <html> and ends with </html>. Each paragraph starts with <p> and ends with </p>. Other functions also have opening and closing tags that are nested like a sandwich. You'll see this on the following pages.

3. To create a page, open Windows Notepad. Type the HTML code for your page. Then save the page using File, Save. Save it to a folder or to your desktop using the extension .htm. For example, you can name your pages index.htm or newsletter.htm.

4. To preview your page, minimize Notepad and find the file you just created. Double click on the file and it should open with Internet Explorer or other browser. Even though it's still on your computer (not on the web) it looks just like a webpage.

5. If you have photos or drawings that you'll use in your page, you should put them in the same folder on your computer or in an images folder within the folder.

6. When you are ready to put your page on the web, you'll use FTP or another method to upload the folder with your pages and photos.
